Friday 9 May 2008

Hollywood Celebrity Nightclub Up In Flames

Hollywood Celebrity Nightclub Up In Flames

Fire has ripped through a Los Angeles nightclub popular with celebritiesand Hollywood actors, cover the surrounding vicinity with smoke and ash tree.The one-storey edifice, which was built in the early 1900s, is rest home tothe Basque Night club & Eating house. Celebrities buy at the articulation, inwhich Lindsay Arhat celebrated her 21st birthday, and where rapper Kanye Dame Rebecca West partied just last week.The club was not open at the time of the fire and at that place were noinjuries, firefighters said.Los Angeles metropolis councillor Uncle Tom LaBonge said he was walk close theGriffith Green Observation tower at 5.45am when he byword the flaming erupt a fewkilometres out."I power saw what looked like an orange meteor busting through the roof ... ahalf synodic month of orange glow," he said.The fire was put come out by 8am, Battalion Top dog Mario Rueda said at a newsconference.The night club is located on the corner of Hollywood Avenue and VineStreet, which is known as the world's to the highest degree famous intersection in themost famous neighbourhood. Stars immortalised in the Walk of Fame at the niche admit King James I Dugald Stewart, James River Dean and Judy Garland.Next:  Pete Wentz Denies Fan Pulsate Down
